林錦說文解字,超夯 care 動詞片語 有多少? 1. care about 在意 (=mind) 【例句】He smokes too much. It seems that he doesn't care about his health. 【中譯】他是老煙腔。他似乎不在意其身體的健康。 2.care for 照顧 (=take care of, look after) 喜歡 (=like, be-V fond of) 【例句】She has been caring for her invalid father for many years. 【中譯】她照顧生病的父親已好幾年了。 【比較】 (1) 用於疑問句、否定句。做「喜歡」解釋。 (2) care about (for) 有耽心的意味。 * 歡迎轉載分享,分享請註明來源「林錦 名師大會堂」*
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